School Performance Management is a secure, online system that helps NZ Principals and Teachers manage their Professional Growth Cycle reflections and collaboration.
School Performance Management makes it easy to become reflective practitioners by:
School Performance Management has been built with both Teachers and Principals in mind, and is designed to work on any computer, laptop or tablet.
Our Professional Growth Cycle template helps you structure your reflections, based on the Collective Agreement Professional Standards, Teaching Council Standards, and Tātaiako requirements. Focuses are set on a school-wide level each year. You can link your reflections to the Standards to quickly see gaps in your coverage.
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By keeping a Professional Growth Cycle document you are providing proof of your professional reflection in relation to the Standards and a record that you are thinking about your professional learning and accountability.
Your documents can be used for a range of purposes;
No. The Teaching Council has indicated that it is up to schools to develop a process that best suits their needs. The Professional Growth Cycle document provides you with an easy way to reflect on school focuses and share this with your appraiser in a reflective manner.
The information you include should be sufficient enough to meet your requirements for Appraisal and Practicing Certificate renewal. This can reflect:
Yes, there is an option to enable the Catholic Elaborations when creating your Professional Growth Cycle document. Catholic Elaborations can be referenced just like regular Standards.
This should be done in conjunction with your Principal and teaching colleagues when setting up focuses for the year. These should reflect the school process and focuses reflecting charter goals.
You should keep notes/records of your reflections and links to the Teaching Council Standards that provide enough information for your appraiser to be able to endorse your professional practice and for attestation for your Practising Certificate renewal.
Yes, the components of your Teaching as Inquiry reflection make a good link for your Appraisal and Practising Certificate needs. Many schools have focused their professional learning on the Teaching as Inquiry process.
Only users in the system who are listed as administrators for your school. Who these are will be decided by your particular school. Your documents may also be seen by administrators of any Groups you belong to in the system. Groups are an optional part of School Performance Management and are also managed by your school.
If your new school also uses School Performance Management, your account can be moved to them. If not, your account can be placed in a special entity so that you can still access it and work on it. You will be responsible for your yearly subscription fee that your old school was paying on your behalf. We encourage you to introduce your new school to School Performance Management. We're happy to answer any questions they might have about the service.
Complete the below form and we'll be in touch within 2 school days.
Call 0508 77 44 77 (option 5) to talk to our sales team or send us an email at [email protected]
Our staff find it easy to access and we use it individually and collectively on an ongoing basis.
Mike Brosnahan, St Mary's School Mosgiel